September 2024
As of Sep. 30th, 2024
Link ISIN Portfolio NAV Perf
Launch Date
LU2843759635 Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Founder Class (USD) 105.9 5.8% 2024-06-28
XS1035525325 Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (USD) 389.0 5.7% 8.0% 25.3% 2015-10-06
CH1182967427 Atonra Blockchain and Digital Assets II (USD) 146.0 8.6% 16.6% 108.5% 2022-05-16
XS2168921356 Cybersecurity (USD) 157.0 2.6% 5.5% 24.9% 2023-01-06
XS1365787230 Fintech (USD) 127.2 5.4% 17.8% 56.0% 2017-05-26
XS0884325415 Innovation (USD) 186.1 4.4% 10.9% 30.5% 2015-07-23
CH0239657494 Mobile Payments Retail (USD) 155.1 2.5% -2.4% 19.2% 2014-04-25
XS1317057278 Security & Space (USD) 198.6 7.6% 27.3% 49.9% 2016-01-22
Clean Energy
Link ISIN Portfolio NAV Perf
Launch Date
XS1668108175 Sustainable Future (USD) 147.2 11.1% 9.1% 10.0% 2018-10-19
XS1668108506 Sustainable Future (EUR) 151.6 10.2% 8.0% 4.4% 2018-10-19
The AtonRâ Fund
Link ISIN Portfolio NAV Perf
Launch Date
LU2170994714 The Atonra Fund Founder Class (USD) 93.9 4.4% 12.6% 31.0% 2020-07-07
Health Innovations
Link ISIN Portfolio NAV Perf
Launch Date
XS1317063912 Bionics (USD) 174.6 1.0% 15.7% 30.4% 2017-01-11
CH0275762380 Biotech 360° (USD) 116.1 -4.6% 11.5% 27.2% 2015-03-23
CIO's Top Selection
Link ISIN Portfolio NAV Perf
Launch Date
XS2168938756 CIO's Top Selection (USD) 76.2 8.9% 17.2% 57.7% 2021-03-03

All perfomances are net of fees

Important information

About AtonRâ Partners: AtonRâ Partners is an asset management company, founded in 2004 with head office in Geneva, incorporated under Swiss law, duly approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) under the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act. AtonRâ Partners is a conviction-driven asset manager combining industrial and scientific research with financial analysis. AtonRâ Partners focuses on long-term trends powerful enough to be turned into thematic equity portfolios.

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Past performance does not predict future returns. Investment losses may occur, and investors could lose some or all of their investment. Any indices cited herein are provided only as examples of general market performance and no index is directly comparable to the past or future performance of the Funds or Certificates. It should not be assumed that the Funds or Certificates will invest in any specific securities that comprise any index, nor should it be understood to mean that there is a correlation between the Funds or Certificates’ returns and any index returns. All net estimated returns are based on unaudited, internally prepared assessments and have not been independently verified. The net estimated returns are subject to adjustments as a result of changes or delays in AtonRâ’s calculations of the profit and loss of the portfolio. Any such adjustments could have a material impact on the estimated net returns of the AtonRâ Basket. Net returns are reported after deduction of AtonRâ’s management and/or performance fees. Any material provided to you is intended only for discussion purposes and is not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security and should not be relied upon by you in evaluating the merits of investing in any securities. It is shared with you by way of information and cannot be divulged to a third party without the prior consent of AtonRâ Partners.